We really are better toOgether.

Better Toogether is a 501(c)(3) creating transformative connection through artistic processes.

We believe that we really are Better Toogether. We work with your organization to build connection and relationships through applied arts. As we work together to create an artifact—something that exists apart from us but could not exist without us—we form new bonds of understanding. Better Toogether helps you uncover the talents and creativity that make your community special. We facilitate your organization’s growth and cohesion by helping you discover and make something new—together.

Better Toogether builds connection and relationships within organizations through applied arts participation. Every member of your communituy is important and has something unique to contribute. As a result your community has a deep well of original creativity that belongs to you all. We’ll work with you to discover the fun and joy in creating art and building bonds.

Whether it’s a family dance night at a community center, Scriptural performance in your faith community, a team-building day, or engaging children and youth—we get you back to play and finding the joy in making something together.